Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sligo Creek Trail

I find that I am not blogging as often now that I am back at school. Usually when I get on my computer during the school week, it is to do my course work. If I happen to stop procrastinating and get my school work done today, I may just post something more substantial. I have a few topics I would like to learn more about.

School work or not, it is a beautiful Sunday today, and I knew that I wanted to get out and enjoy it. My husband and I headed over to Sligo Creek Trail which is about 10 minutes away from our house. It's funny because we usually walk on it until we get to the spot that was the end of our walk in our old neighborhood. We walked for about an hour and 10 minutes, so probably 3.5-4 miles. A lot of bikers out today, and deer too!

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